South Dakota Grassland Coalition

Alternative Calving Dates

The South Dakota Grassland Coalition has produced a series of videos for livestock producers across the region.  The 25-video series features ranchers from across South Dakota who have discovered the benefits of matching calving to their ranch resources.  The videos offer personal from nearly 30 individuals about the challenges and benefits of shifting calving dates to fit with natural cycles.  The men and women interviewed discuss the opportunities for improved livestock health and profitability as well as a more enjoyable and reduced stress family life.

The primary video topics include:  When & Where to Calve; Managing the Herd; Assessing Ranch Resources; Finance, Profit & Marketing; and People, Relationships & Quality of Life. In total, the video series offers over 5 hours of in depth testimony, with individual videos ranging from 3 to 25 minutes, depending on the topic.

Video Breakdown