One of our board members recently posed a question about the carbon cycle and fire. The concern is that fire obviously releases carbon into the atmosphere that might otherwise be sequestered (stored) deep into the soil profile. Wouldn’t this then be counter to our organizational goals? A very legitimate question given the current state of […]
soil health
Joshua Dukart North Dakota Holistic Resource Management trainer, at a recent HRM school in Faith said “our ranching business should be designed to focus on identifying and pursuing opportunities. With whole ranch planning, ranches can be, `opportunity focused businesses`”. Lack of rain is not an opportunity but managing to keep the rain that falls on
Drought Planning: A Case Study Read More »
Bale grazing builds soil health while easing the work of
feeding cattle in the winter. Dennis Hoyle (Roscoe, SD),
Dallas Anderson (Eureka, SD), and Doug Sieck (Selby, SD)
shared their experiences
Bale Grazing: The Lazy Cattleman’s Way to Increase Forage Production Read More »