South Dakota

The South Dakota Grassland Coalition is making an exciting transformation with this year’s Annual Conference on December 5, 2024.

Two young men clipping grass at the Chamberlain Grazing School

Holistic Resource Management is a strong approach to changing ranch culture and increasing rangeland productivity.


Holistic Resource Management is a strong approach to changing ranch culture and increasing rangeland productivity.


Discover the crucial balance between grazing and rest in pasture management.


Early detection of the invasive Yellow Bluestem is critical for effective management and preventing the plant from altering your landscape.


Did you know that Yellow Bluestem, an invasive species, is posing a new threat to South Dakota rangelands?


Grazing for success during the green-up period is essential for maintaining healthy pastures.


Cool-season grasses are preparing for winter as we start the fall green-up season. They are storing energy; however, overgrazing may interfere with this process.


Western South Dakota, which is generally drier, is greener than ever, while the east is experiencing a drought. What does this have to do with your pastures?

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